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Control Global Logistics

October 24


Ocean Freight 

Imports to Australia:

General Rate Increase (GRI)

Ocean Carriers operating from North East Asia to Australia have announced a GRI of USD400.00/20’ and USD800.00/40’ effective 24 October 2013.

Ocean Carriers operating from North East Asia to Australia have announced a further GRI of USD300/20’ and USD600/40’ effective 17 November 2013.

Even though a number of Ocean Carriers have made these announcements, we will be closely monitoring the situation and ONLY on-charging whatever increases are implemented by them.



Laws to Combat Illegal Logging – New Rules For Australian Importers

The Australian Government has introduced legislation controlling illegally logged timber and timber products imported into Australia - Illegal Logging Prohibition Act 2012

Please refer to the two attachments from the Australian Customs & Border Protection Service and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry which outline the Act and the Importer’s responsibilities!

Imports of Machinery  

Imports of Machinery

DAFF (formerly AQIS) are in the process of implementing legislation that states all imports of machinery into Australia must have a new and unused declaration with their shipments. Control Global Logistics recommends importers of Machinery start to have the below statement, either on their commercial invoice or on a document on the supplier’s letterhead.

“The machinery, equipment and/or parts are new and have not been field tested or factory trialled”

If this statement is put on your commercial invoice, it is important that the commercial invoice is signed to ensure this declaration is accepted by DAF.