As per previous advice about the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) season, we received correspondence from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) highlighting that there has been a significant number of BMSB detections arriving from Italy. These detections indicate that BMSB are sheltering in a range of containers and goods outside of those captured by existing measures.
To manage the risk posed by these goods, all containerised goods shipped via sea from Italy that arrive in Australia between 17 January and 30 April 2018 will be required to undergo mandatory fumigation or heat treatment onshore.
Exceptions apply to goods treated offshore or that fall within one of the excluded tariff groups as outlined below:
Department of DAWR has received legal advice that the ‘unacceptable packaging statement’ must only be used under the Biosecurity Act 2015.
All other containerised goods arriving from Italy, including those already en route to Australia will require treatment on arrival using methyl bromide fumigation, unless already treated offshore. Where methyl bromide is not suitable, another approved treatment for BMSB must be applied on arrival.
When unpacking goods, care should be taken to inspect locations where BMSB may gather, including crevices or protected areas of shipping containers, inside goods or within packaging materials. If the insects are detected importers should notify the department immediately.