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Control Global Logistics

January 19


Infrastructure Levy

Important Notice for Containerised/LCL Imports from Italy – Updated

As per previous notice sent 17/1/18 about the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) season, we have received some updated information – please note below for cargo ex origin Italy.

  • If you have multiple lines of cargo from multiple countries BUT are being shipped from a non-Italian port = Container is still subject to the mandatory BMSB treatments, unless we can provide evidence (i.e manufacturer’s declaration) that the lines of Italian origin were not exported from Italy during the BMSB season (between 1 Sept. 2017 to 30 Apr. 2018)
  • Containers that have multiple lines from origin Italy but contain a mixture of excluded tariffs and included tariffs e.g. some food items mixed with other cargo (LCL cargo) = Where any lines are of Italian origin, and hit profiles, the container is subject to the mandatory BMSB treatments. The whole container should be held and goods treated within the container to manage risk of cross-contamination. Where excluded tariffs are present in a container, an ‘agreement to treat’ will be sourt from the importer.
  • The mandatory onshore BMSB treatment is not required when the goods have a valid offshore BMSB treatment certificate. Treatment certificates from fumigator Ligur are still not be acceptable, and entries presented with these fumigation certificates will require mandatory onshore BMSB treatment.

Department of DAWR has received legal advice that the ‘unacceptable packaging statement’ must only be used under the Biosecurity Act 2015.

For your LCL cargo ex Italy, we will do our best to ensure that we have the containers treated as quickly as possible and have the cargo unpacked and available for you in a timely manner. This will however delay the unpack of the containers.

We will require a completed treatment of authority form for all goods arriving ex Italy to Australia, which will need to be returned no later than 5 days prior to arrival. These will be distributed accordingly from our team as required.

Fumigation cost will be pasesd on at cost from warehouse.